Gilad Atzmon: Wikileaks and Israel

'WikiLeaks to publish Israel files on Second Lebanon War, Dubai assassination'

Julian Assange said today that  thousands of documents related to Israel are due to be released over next six months.

Assange admitted also that so far only 2% of the Wikileaks released documents related to Israel were picked by the Western  mainstream media, something to do with ‘sensitivities’ of the Jewish communities in France, Germany, Britain and the USA.

I guess that more than ever we need Wikileaks. More than ever we need to establish our own channels of communication and information. The proof of the betrayal of Western media is conclusive.

Assange said that he holds 3,700 more files related to Israel, and the main source of them is the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv.

Take your time Julian and keep safe.