British Labour? Labour Zionism more likely

By Gilad Atzmon 

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”― Edmund Burke

 Although some of us still harbor hopes for  Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour party has not exactly been a happy collective. Labour can look like a treacherous herd spitting poison and stabbing each other in the back. Bruke might have said that for evil to triumph all that is needed is a few Labourites to accomplish what they do best: being compromised. The following may shatter any hopes you still clung to for a  Labour transition. I apologise in advance.

The current saga was launched last month by Mr. Martin Rankoff, an ultra Zionist campaigner,  a man who is not afraid to express himself in the most gruesome manner.

Here is Martin Rankoff’s hate spewing  twitter page.

Apparently, Mr Rankoff doesn’t like Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.  

Bad taste humour is something Goyim may not remember from the oh-so-distant past when the Brits reigned supreme in poking fun at those in power. Within the Zionist cyber universe, however, no one is even mildly offended by Rankoff’s attempted humor as he seems to enjoy imagining pushing our mild mannered Labour leader off of his non-carbon emitting bicycle :

But apparently, the mere thought of my playing the saxophone with the Blockheads at a Christmas celebration pained the humorless Mr. Rankoff. So Mr. Rankoff  wrote to the Islington Council to express his indignation. How could the Council  allow a critic of Jewish culture to play Christmas music? The thought caused him to want to give away his ticket.  All who believe Mr. Rankoff ever intended to attend the Blockheads’ Christmas concert, raise your hand!

 For the occasion, Mr. Rankoff managed to restrain his humor and wrote an earnest sounding missive:

I hardly have an issue with Mr Rankoff,  but it is nice to see him acknowledge what the rest of us know, Mr. Corbyn, whatever his flaws, is not a racist. But Rankoff is doing what many Zionist activists so often do – smear and slander.

 Islington is a Labour Council. But it seems the officers involved didn’t bother to check who Mr, Rankoff was or to take a look at Rankoff’s grotesque anti- Corbyn anti-Labour social media profile. In fact, the Leader of the Council Cllr Richard Watts, rushed to appease the man who told Corbyn to shut his Hanukah greeting where the ‘sun doesn’t shine.’

 The Following is Labour politician and Cllr Richard Watts email to Martin Rankoff as published  by Mr Rankoff.

Rankoff professed his delight and  somewhat speak for the “Jewish community at large” as he praised Labour politician Watts for “embrac[ing] the spirit of Hanukah”  by interfering with the artistic offerings of the last standing working-class band in the Kingdom:  

I fully appreciate that Hanukah is a prime holiday for British politicians. It provides an extended opportunity to prove their commitment and loyalty to Israel and its Lobby. But maybe, someone should remind Cllr Watts that most Brits actually celebrate Christmas and that hundreds of music lovers had bought tickets for the Blockheads Christmas concert, and that one may presume that in doing so they intended to hear all of the Blockheads.

Perhaps Cllr Watts didn’t think that Mr. Rankoff would publish their correspondence. In it,  Cllr Watts is caught shamelessly toadying to an enemy of the Labour party and to the Board of Deputies a body that claims to represent British Jews and uses their self-appointed platform to torture  Labour’s leader. Does Cllr Watts perform his embarrassing prostration for his Leader or against his Leader? It is beyond me. The only thing that is clear, as far as I can tell, is that Labour politician Watts made the wrong decision.

 In the coming days we will learn more about how the Labour Council zigged and zagged in a most distressing way to justify banning a saxophone from the Blockheads. Instead of simply fixing its mistake, the Council dug itself a muddy ditch. To be continued…

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